Our current awareness of an integral endocrine and metabolic response to injury may be traced to two streams of thought . 我们目前对侮辱所引起的整个内分泌和代谢反应的了解,溯源于两种思潮。
Ayres studied coronary flow and myocardial metabolic response to a cute elevation of cohb in man during diagnostic cariac catheterization。 艾尔斯研究了诊断中施行导管插入术期间人的冠状动脉血流量和心肌代谢对一氧化碳急剧上升的反应。
Recent evidence indicates that the adverse metabolic response to carbohydrates is substantially worse among people who already have insulin resistance 最近的证据指出,因碳水化合物而产生的有害代谢反应,在那些已经对胰岛素有抗性的人身上更为糟糕。